Every Little thing has a Value

10/22/2013 02:07:00 am 0 Comments

Dear Final year students of B.Tech & MCA
I wish take this opportunity to reiterate my regular assertion that every learning mode, big or small, formal or informal, within the classroom or away from it need to be fully utilized. Do remember that your recruitment process for TCS has commenced with today’s workshop. It is not an isolated event. The event was not just to provide you ideas and vital information regarding your upcoming TCS recruitment test .In fact, it was organized also to allow the TCS representative to get glimpses of your preparedness, in terms of attitude, aptitude and Body language. My Dear friends, at the end of the day every little thing matters. Hence, learn to attach importance to different and not-so-regular forms/modes of learning. You need to consistently make impressions/impact during the entire process.
To cut this short, I appeal to you all to bring about changes in your behavior and conduct during Seminars/workshops or any other academic/non-academic event. Your focus, ability to listen and participate in discussions, taking down ideas/info (for use in future)  are of great significance.
Let me leave you all with another assertion that your Job preparation is just not Physical but Emotional/Psychological as well.
Emotional connect to any activity is highly desirable as it allows you to utilize your physical & mental energy and resources as well as time and motivation to its optimum for success.
Bring out nothing less than the best in YOU

Good day