some useful tips for TCs Interviews
Dear Aspirants
Lets try and get some practical tips on how to answer some typical HR/MR Questions:
1. Would you like to be manager or a leader
- May say that you would like to be both.Becoz. as a manager you will get opportunity to controll a group or a set of entities to accomplish a goal while as a Leader you can influence, motivate, and enable others to contribute toward organizational success.
- Say that managers can display leadership qualities. Conversely, leaders can be good managers.
Below find some qualities of leaders and managers
Attributes of a leader:
- Studies, and develops ideas and principles
- Innovates
- Resourceful and looks for solutions to problems
- Empathetic with a focus on people
- Inspires trust among stakeholders
- Understands the big picture
- Superior listening skills
- Courageously challenges the state of affairs, and asks why and what can be improved
- Looks for opportunities to develop strengths
- Develops a following
Attributes of a manager:
- Administrates
- Accepts the status quo
- Pragmatic in accepting trends and events, but goes no further
- Focus is on control, structure and systems
- Has a linear perspective – only follows what’s at the end of her/his nose
- Asks a limited set of questions – just how or when?
- Acts like a chameleon or imitator of other managers
- Perceives threats
- Minimizes weaknesses
- Manages subordinates but has few, if any, devotee
2.Will you prefer to be a Team player or a team lead
- Always say both. But one after the other.Means, say that you want to be a team player first and learn to know the team and the expectations of others, know the required interpersonal skills and then readily accept leadership position when offered.
- Tell that you believe that a good team player would make a better leader.
3.Qualities you like or dislike in others
- Always focus on qualities of traits, not Individuals
- You may mention general dislikes such as lethargy,cunningness,betrayal,lack of mannerisms etc. in others, whereas mentioning likes as would reflect your honest expectations, not prejudiced like, good nature,simplicity, helping nature,friendliness,time management,sincerity ,empathy etc.
4.The best compliment and the worst criticism
- Regarding compliment say anything from a real life situation,preferably about a quality you demonstrated. Be modest while saying your compliment, don't sound pompous(don't brag/boast) Don't sound cynical.always say how you handled the criticism.
5. Tell me about the biggest mistake you have
made in your life?
Tips: Admit a mistake
, say that you have made one
§ Admit something as a mistake from a real life
incident, mostly from a professional point of view(may be related to a skill/
certification/ activity)
§ never say that the mistake relates to your
choice of course(In your case, Engineering or your Branch)Take some specific
situation and analyze and bring out the mistakes.
§ The Interviewer is trying to find out if you
have learnt from your past mistakes or not and if so , how have you corrected
them .so give out steps you have taken to rectify the mistake as well as not
repeating those.
Simply, they want to
assess your ability /willingness to learn
6.The biggest
challenge you have ever faced so far?
§ This question is intended to test your ability
face situations with confidence and strength of character and conviction
§ Describe a specific technical/interpersonal
challenge you faced and how did you overcame it
§ Don't make generalized statements, but choose
specific activity/area/issue.
§ Don't make direct reference to anybody and
don't sound negative.just raise an issue that was challenging and not easy
handling.say nevertheless you tried and handled it positively ,without any ill
§ Always use practical and believable steps
while justifying how you handled the challenge
7. About your weakness?
- Always say that you have one.But try to put a positive spin onto the weakness by picking up ones that are actually somewhat positive qualities
1.I am so particular about details that during an activity/function that I organize along with my friends, I end up demanding a lot from them, that puts lots of pressure on my friends.
2.That I am too straight forward ,that puts me in awkward situations during group interactions. I must learn to diplomatic.
3.While organizing functions /any event, I get so much involved that I neglect other activities including food ,rest and family .
- However, the above examples are indicative of positive things being branded and projected skillfully as weaknesses, allowing the candidate the chance of not revealing too much about his weak areas.
8.What is your dream job?
- Stick to the area for which you have applied (in your case Software or IT, if TCS)
- Say with some degree of passion that so and so is your dream job. That you want to be part of a reputed company such as the company we are being I interviewed for(TCS).
- But do not go overboard or sound flattering. Simply say that you are honest. Then be little analytical and find out reasons to support your preference.
- You may say growth opportunities- to be in leadership positions where a you can make a lot of change to others lives,
- You may want to work in a challenging work environment with more responsibilities
- Be very clear about your long term thinking before answering this question
You are from Mechanical/ECE/EEE/EIE. Why should we take you in our company that is an IT one?
- Always say you deserve to be there as You have fulfill the desired requirements in terms of skills-both technical and Interpersonal.
- say that you have basic programming skills,logical thinking,analytical skills,problem solving skills etc. to prove your point.
- Then the important thing, say that because of your core background, you will bring added value to your work as TCS is involved in offering IT consulting services to many sectors/areas like manufacturing,electronics,telecom,power etc.
- Again , if you know that TCS is involved in any project or area or platform (from your core branch) you may mention so and justify.
Refer to the TCS profile for better understanding....
All the best