TCS: Interview Tips

11/20/2020 06:19:00 am 0 Comments

 Dear Aspirants 

Do you feel nervous at the thought of an interview 

In fact, if you perceive it well, it may not be anything more than a conversation, though a structured one with a stranger...i.e. Your interviewer.

Hence, I believe cracking an Interview is not like cracking the code of the Human genome... In fact, what I mean is that it is not that difficult as we think.

I believe it is much simpler, attainable and enjoyable, if we try to own the conversation and make it clear, personal and interesting. When we understand our own self, our gifts and talents, it becomes easier to interact with our surroundings, I mean with others.

One can easily get interview-ready by knowing the interview process with clarity, predict the expectations of the interviewer by analyzing the expected situations/scenarios /questions.
In fact, Interview is more than a Question-Answer session. More than bothering about the dread of the questions, one must look at the opportunities that such questions will offer in projecting ones personality, skills, knowledge and attitude. In reality, questions carry the needs, intention and attitude of the interviewer. Hence, it is not at all advisable only to focus on questions alone while making preparation. More than an answer, it is the response (more than how you react to a given situation) that is more significant. In fact, the primary purpose of any Personal Interview is to find out how a candidate manages/conducts himself in an interaction or in a given scenarios/situations, including how he/she handles the stress.
So, it is essential that candidates analyze the expected as well as unexpected scenarios and develop clarity. Then, it becomes easier to communicate ideas clearly, confidently and imaginatively in an impactful style.
Points to remember:
1.   Interview is not just a Question-answer session. In reality, it just an interaction/conversation to find out how suitable/fit a candidate is for an offered job/role.
2.      Since it is no more than a conversation, one must enjoy making any conversation with others.
3 As the interview is all about the candidate and his knowledge, skills, attitude and his personality, he/she is naturally the central actor in the interview process. Hence, it is important that the candidate makes it personalized and unique by focusing on his achievements, activities, roles & responsibilities, strengths etc. Once the resume sets the agenda of the discussion, he/she must seize the opportunity and steer the conversation towards his strengths, achievements and his overall suitability.
A candidate must act and react as per the demands of the situation. Though some prior preparation is required, one must answer using words and expressions in a natural and real time manner. So, his/her actions and behaviour must look natural, rather than being looked as that of a Programmed Robot. Memorized answers may give you comfort and ease while answering the expected questions, but, could create a bad impression on the interviewer. Do you know, it is humanly impossible to predict all questions in any interview? Because, all interviewers do not think the same way. They are so different.  In case, any unexpected question is asked, then what? So, it is better that we avoid memorizing answers verbatim and focus on analyzing issues/situations/scenarios/expectations and develop clarity of understanding.
Hence, I suggest that any idea/technique/suggestion you receive from others, including the ones given out here must used just as inputs, not answers. YOU must create your own answers.
Remember, there is no answer that is the best or worst.
Answer on your own after analyzing the question and keeping in view the expectation of the Interviewer.
Showcase that little ‘Extra thing’ that makes you different from others.
Your responses must reflect the uniqueness, personal beliefs, focus, passion, values; hence, avoid giving stereotyped answers, like others.
It must focus on showcasing your Skills, demonstrating your Strengths and displaying your Attitude. When these 3 aspects combine, you win the interviewer’s heart & mind.