Jobscan for Engineering Graduates: Need to move beyond Stereotypes

6/23/2016 07:11:00 am 1 Comments

At a time and age when Technology rules the roost, upsetting every available apple cart, it is necessary to move beyond the known job types. It is important for aspiring engineering graduates to keep their ears close to the ground while preparing themselves for a particular job search.Well, engineering grads must not forsake the freedom of imagination..must find their calling(so to say).But, keeping one informed of the evolving job scenario...emerging trends about changes in demand pattern, even the supply side is quite helpful.

I would like to urge young students to move beyond the passe'...the predictable...the so called safe options that at least million others chase, in stead look for career options that provide them challenging but different options. If that syncs with their preferences or,passion or interest, then it's all the more desirable.

In a recent report, Manpower agency, Co Cubes Technologies has suggested in a report that the Analytics Jobs are more rewarding than software ones, though tougher in selection procedure. It even states that data analysts at freshers level earn an average annual salary of Rs. 7 laks as against 3.2 lakhs foe software engineers. Moreover, the analytics industry in India is poised to double its turnover to $ 2.3 billion by 2017-18.

Have a look at the complete report that appeared in NDTV Profit portal.(Courtesy


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